8 Tips for Picking out The Perfect Dog

Picking out a dog is like deciding who gets to be your baby. There are endless options, which is why there is no surprise that you might be utterly confused when determining the right pup or canine for your home.

Since the dog you pick will be in your family for years, you shouldn’t take this decision lightly. If you adopt a dog that doesn’t fit your lifestyle now or later on, then you might feel like returning it, giving to someone else, or sending it to a shelter. All of these things are not good for the dog.

Check out these eight useful tips for picking out the perfect dog.

Talk to Your Family

Sometimes it happens that only one person in a family is thinking about getting a dog, and the other members are not too excited about it.

If the people in your house have allergies, are cat people, or just don’t want to deal with a four-legged member of the family running around, then you might need to convince everyone before taking the big step.

If none of your family members agree to it, then you need to respect their decision and wait for a better time to get a dog. But if the path is clear, then let’s get into it.

Look at the Breeds

When you start looking online or in shelters, you will see tons of different breeds. That is why picking out the right one is the most significant concern people have when looking for the right dog.

There are many beautiful dogs, but they are all a little different than the others. Some might seem cute and cuddly, while others might seem more threatening and vicious. But you need to keep in mind that even the toughest looking canines can be a lot of fun.

You can look into getting greyhounds as pets, as they seem to be the popular choice nowadays. Probably because a greyhound is majestic, beautiful, and very active.

Think About Your Dream Dog

Perhaps it will be better if you think about your dream dog. What would you want to do once you adopt a pup or an older dog?

Will you stay mostly at home, go on hikes, run in the mornings, keep your kids busy, or something else?

Answering these simple questions can narrow down your options for you.

Size Matters A lot

When you are looking at dogs, there is no one-size-fits-all. Depending on your living conditions and lifestyle, you need to pick a dog that is the right height. If you are going for a puppy, then make sure it will grow into the size you want.

If you live in an apartment, then having a small dog might be better. Bigger dog breeds like a greyhound, German shepherd, or a husky are better in bigger houses with a yard because they are more active. You could also get away with them if you go to the park or on hikes a lot.

Also, larger dogs will be safer for young kids because they are not too delicate and playful. If you are getting a smaller breed and have young kids, then you need to be very careful.

Match Your Energy Level

You need to find out if your energy level matches that of your dog breed. This is incredibly vital because various races have different genetics in them.

For instance, an Australian shepherd is bred to be busy, greyhounds are genetically excellent runners, and a chihuahua might be good with a sedentary lifestyle.

If you and your dog are not on the same energy level, then both of you can end up frustrated. While you may be able to handle yours, your dog might start acting out. That can be dangerous for you and anyone else around your dog. That is why you must match your energy level with the dog’s before picking a breed.

Puppy or Older Dog?

Once you finally pick a breed, think about whether a puppy would be better suited for your lifestyle or a fully grown pooch.

Other than the size and age, the significant difference between the two is that a puppy is a baby. You will need to give it a lot of training, and cleaning up can be challenging as well. If you pick an older dog, then you might get a fully trained canine that you can start having fun with immediately without much training.

But you might also want to think about the fact that your older dog will have fewer years in front of it, than a puppy.

Take Your Finances into Account

Before you adopt a dog into your home, you need to think about your financial situation. Extending your family can be pretty expensive.

The reason is that you need to make your home ready for the dog, and you will need to feed an extra mouth in your house.

You will need to buy a dog bed, potty pads, toys, grooming kits, leashes, GPS trackers, and many other things for your dog. Your house also needs to be safe for a dog to run around. If you have a yard, then you may need to put up fences to make sure your dog doesn’t get too far.

Other than that, you have to think about adopting fees, vet bills, daycare, dog walkers, trainers, and even pet insurance.

Can Anyone Else In Your Home Help Out?

Taking care of a dog is not easy work. You need to continually think about feeding it, cleaning up after it, and taking care of it.

You will need to feed it in time, and in moderate amounts. Too much or too little can cause problems. You need to clean up the house, its bed, its toys, and anything else that gets dirty. If your dog isn’t fully potty trained, then you will need to take care of cleaning up after it as well.

That is why having someone to share the responsibilities with might be a good idea.

Emma Thompson

Hi, I'm Emma Thompson. Welcome to The Pet Town! I'm a Pet lovers like you and please feel free to get in touch with any questions. Enjoy your stay!

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