How To Deworm a Dog at Home Naturally
A lot of thanks for the availability of the internet today. The existence and development of the internet have made it easier for people to find, search, share information’s. Right here are ways you can use to deworm your dog at home naturally.
Moreover, worms are the most common situation in dogs. And such worms are like the hookworms, Heartworms, whipworms, tapeworms etc. You may be aware of the pharmaceutical treatment of worms in dog but looking for how to do it yourself at home naturally. It’s indeed a nice idea to know how to naturally deworm a dog at home.
Natural remedies are a great practice for deworming a dog, and one interesting fact is that, there are many herbs and food that can eliminate different kinds of worms, thus to make a dog worm free and become healthier.
Eliminating Worms Using Herbs
Using herbs to eliminate worms in dogs is really very important. Here are some herbs that can be used to eliminate worms and make a dog worm free.
Pineapple Weed or Chamomile:
These herbs are absolutely great to protect and eliminate roundworms and whipworms. They are also many other health advantages of the pineapple weed or Chamomile and one of the advantage is that, it works as anti-inflammatory. In terms of using these herbs follow the steps below:
- Use 1/4 teaspoon tincture straight into the mouth of the dog, do that for each thirty pounds of weight every few hours. Use one teaspoon when you brew the tea yourself for every few hours.
- Make the tea strong using four tea bags into each cup of the boiling water.
- Chamomile do not have any toxic effect so feel free to give it to you dog without the fear of side effects.
The tumeric is an ancient herb’s anti-parasites, it helps to secure worms infested area in your dog’s digestive system. To use this:
- Give 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon for each ten pounds of weight every day, allow your dog to drink much water so that it would not suffer from constipation.
- After meal, administer it once a day for one week, and for large dog administer it every each day after meal, every other weeks for two months.
- Do not use it for more than two months because long-term use of this remedy can be very harmful.
Cloves also help in eliminating worms if it’s been taken every day after meal. So you can give it a try using the cloves. To use this:
- Use 1/ 4 of a complete dry clove for small dogs, grind and mix it into their food once daily for one week. if you want to give your dog the clove again, make sure you skip a week and try the same way in the third week.
- Use 1/2 of a complete dry clove for medium size dogs, use the same method used for small dogs.
- Use 1 complete dry clove for large dogs, use the same method used for small dogs.
Black Walnut:
The black walnut is made from the black walnut tree, this herb is absolutely good for eliminating worms such as hearth worms and intestinal worms. It is even safer than some of the dog dewormers you could find in the market. Use the black walnut carefully else it may become toxic when you overused it.
Moreover, in case the tannins and the alkoloids may be hazardous kindly act fast by consulting your veterinarian for the right dosage.
There are lots of recommendation in using the wormwood but you have to be totally careful using this herb. Because this herb can cause serious negative side effects to the nervous system of your dog such as liver and kidney. Therefore using this herb should be under the care of your veterinarian.
Parsley Water:
The parsley water support in keeping the digestive system of your dog healthy at the period of deworming. Parsley water contain plenty of nutrient which also act as diuretic to eliminate all the worms your dog contacted. How to make the parsley water:
- Boil 1/4 of water, put one bunch of fresh parsley, reduce the degree of the heat and let it simmer for three minutes, get a strain jar and refrigerate the parsley water. Give one teaspoon of the parsley water for each 10 lbs weight of the body for 10 days.
- Dogs that have renal problems, change the rooibos tea for parsley. Which support the immune system and inhibit cancer and other diseases. The rooibos contains zero tannin and it is much healthier for dogs that are having renal problems.
Eliminating Worms Using Fruit
Understand the healing power of fruit, fruit support greatly to eliminate worms in your dog. Here are list of fruit that can set your dog free from worms. There are:
Pumpkin Seeds:
The pumpkin seeds are absolutely effective, it fight particularly against tapeworms and hookworms and also support to eliminate the worms from the digestive system of your dog. To use these seeds:
Grind the pumpkin seed into a powder plus one teaspoon for each ten to fifteen lbs weight of the body everyday do that for two weeks. After that add wheat bran in the dog’s food, soak the wheat bran with water, add eight teaspoon for each 10 lbs weight of the body to larger animals and only a pinch for smaller animals.
Papaya Seeds:
Grind the papaya seeds, this seed is very rich in papain and enzymes that is capable of eliminating worms’ outer coat in other not to have power over the intestinal wall. Papaya seeds are a great aid for digestive system. To use this seed:
Grind the papaya seeds into a powder, spray 8 milligrams for each 2.2 pounds weight of the body, into your dog’s diet. There is no limit of how long you should continue using this remedy. You can also feed your dog with the papaya.
Figs are also essential for your dog, you can feed your dog with it. Figs are rich in enzymes facin, it also helps to eliminate the worms’ outer coat in other not to have power over the intestinal wall.
However, there are some other fruit you can also use for deworming suchlike grapefruit and more. Nevertheless, you can find some foods that can also help in eliminating worms, such food include fresh garlic, food grade diatomaceous earth (DTE) etc.