How to keep cats away from plants
To keep cats away from plants, you must understand why they are so interested in them. You can do this by considering your cat’s natural hunting instincts and what attracts them to the plants. Once you know how to prevent your cat from being attracted to them, it will be easy for you to keep their interest low and ensure that they stay safe!
Plants are a great way to add life and color to your home. However, if you have cats, it can become a problem as they love the taste of houseplants. If you want to keep cats away from plants, then some ways can be done!
Here is how:
1) Place some mothballs in the soil
Cats are often attracted to catnip, lavender, or lemon thyme. These plants have a smell that cats love and will spend lots of time sniffing around them. If you want to keep cats away from plants, then placing some mothballs in the soil is one way to do it! Mothballs contain naphthalene which is highly toxic to cats. This can make your plant less attractive for them as they won’t be able to go near it without feeling very sick.
2) Use lemon-scented household cleaners
You can use lemon-scented household cleaners on your houseplants if you want to keep your home smelling nice but don’t enjoy getting rid of cats. Instead, you can use these cleaners to keep them away from your plants! Cats are often attracted to citrus smells as they are found in many of the foods that they eat. Because these scents are so strong, it will be easy for you to mask the smell of your houseplant and ensure that cats stay well away from them!
3) scare them off with motion activated sprinklers
If you want to keep cats away from ferns, then there is no better way than by using motion-activated sprinklers. If a cat approach one of your plants, then this device will release a jet of water which scares them off immediately. It also deters other animals such as dogs but won’t harm any people who walk past it either. This lets you keep plants around the home without worrying about whether your cats will like them!
4) Spray citrus-scented repellents into the air
With these simple tricks, you will no longer need to worry about keeping cats away from plants again!
Cats are often attracted to plants that contain chemicals that they find irresistible. However, you can use these scents to your advantage if you want to keep them away from plants in your home. All it takes is a simple spritz of citrus-scented repellent and it will be easy for you to reduce their interest in nearby plants. The best part about this trick is that it doesn’t require anything apart from some plant food which makes it very cheap to use!
5) Spread mothballs around the pot
If you want to keep cats away from houseplants, then you need to learn as much as possible about what attracts them to plants. Cats are often attracted to the soil of your houseplants because it contains many minerals and nutrients that they can’t get enough of. As such, if you place some mothballs in the soil then it will be easy for you to ensure that they stay well away from your plants. Mothballs aren’t only toxic to cats – they also smell unpleasant which means that it won’t take long for them to start avoiding these areas completely!
6) Plant flowers instead
Cats often prefer hunting and eating live prey rather than pre-killed food so
you can use this to your advantage if you want to keep cats away from plants. Cats have a natural instinctive preference for live prey which means that they won’t be able to resist hunting them down. As such, planting flowers around the yard is a great way to keep cats out of your garden without harming them! This is because not all types of cat flowers are poisonous but most non-flowering kinds of plants are.
7) Create a barricade with bricks
If you want to ensure that nobody goes near a particular plant, then one solution is to build a brick barrier around it. Cats will often avoid going near places where there isn’t enough space so by creating a five-inch-high wall, they won’t even think about going near your plants. This is a great way to keep cats out of gardens and outdoor space without harming them – even if they try very hard!
8) Use edible houseplants as a deterrent
The most obvious way to keep cats away from plants is by using poisonous ones instead. While this works well with many different species, it can be difficult to find the right kind of plant for you. A much easier solution is to use edible varieties which will taste horrible if consumed by your cat. This won’t do any harm at all, but it will ensure that your pet stays well away from the plant in question on future occasions too!
9) Try putting up some string or twine on behind the plant
If you have a plant pot with some string or twine on the back of it, it can be difficult for cats to approach. Cats are often wary of places where there isn’t enough space so they will avoid your plants completely if you try this trick. This is also very low-cost and easy to implement at home which makes it ideal for keeping cats out of your garden without harming them!
10) Get rid of cat smells
Cats are naturally curious animals, but they are also great hunters too. Unfortunately, the smell of cat urine can be just as effective at luring in prey as seeing an actual cat itself! If you want to keep housecats away from plants, then one solution is to remove any lingering scents that attract them in the first place. This can be extremely difficult to do but you should be able to reduce the smell of cat urine using natural ingredients over time. The best way to do this is by using an enzymatic cleaner which will remove any smells that are causing your indoor cats to go near particular plants.
It is important not only to keep housecats away from plants but also to prevent other pets from doing so too. Dogs, especially those with a penchant for digging, are quickly disposed towards houseplants as well! If you keep dogs indoors then it goes without saying that they won’t find soil nearly as interesting compared with cats who are more likely to spend time outside. However, if your pet does have access to the outdoors then it might be worth putting up barriers and deterrents to keep them away from flowers and other plants. Our list should give you some great ideas as to how you can keep cats and dogs away from your houseplants without harming them!
Cats and plants don’t mix, but that doesn’t mean you have to get rid of the cat or the plant. There are ways to keep your feline friend from munching on your prized garden without making him feel unwelcome in your home. The first thing you need to do is provide a place for them to play and it can be outside near the area where they like hanging out. If there’s no room outside, then make sure there is plenty of toys inside like lasers or fishing pole-type toys that will occupy their time while not in use in the garden.