
Category Archives for "Cat Behavior"

5 Common Human Behaviours That Cats Dislike

Understanding our feline companions extends beyond providing them with food, shelter, and occasional cuddles. Cats, much like humans, have their unique set of preferences and dislikes. Certain human behaviours, often unintentional and seemingly benign, can cause discomfort or stress in cats. 

Instead of being unaware of these types of behaviours, it’s best to know how to ease your cat into your routine to help them adapt. A deeper understanding of your cat’s reaction to your household’s daily life can allow you to give your cat a calmer and healthier environment in which to live. 

Let’s delve into five such behaviours, explaining the psychological and instinctual reasons behind cats’ negative reactions to them. 

1. Inadvertent Neglect of Body Language

One of the most common areas where human-cat misunderstandings arise is in the interpretation of a cat’s body language. Cats are highly communicative creatures, using subtle body signals to express their feelings. 

For instance, a Bengal cat flicking its tail or flattening its ears is not merely a whimsical gesture but a clear sign of annoyance or discomfort. Many cat owners misinterpret these signs, leading to increased stress for the cat.

Understanding cat body language requires patience and observation. Tail flicking or lashing often indicates irritation or agitation, while purring, commonly associated with contentment, can also signify pain or distress in some cases. 

By paying close attention to these cues, owners can learn when to engage with their cats and when to give them space. Creating a respectful relationship with a cat involves recognizing and responding appropriately to these non-verbal signals.

2. Disregarding the Need for Personal Space

Cats value their personal space immensely. Unlike dogs, who generally thrive on constant companionship and affection, cats are more independent and may not always welcome unsolicited attention. 

Frequently, cat owners, especially those who are more accustomed to the affections of dogs, might misjudge their cat’s need for solitude, leading to forced interactions such as excessive cuddling or petting. This can result in the cat feeling trapped or stressed.

The solution lies in allowing the cat to initiate contact. Creating a cat-friendly environment with various perches and hiding spots gives them the freedom to choose when and how they want to interact. 

Additionally, observing when your cat seems most receptive to affection and respecting their choice to withdraw are key steps in building a trusting and comfortable relationship.

3. Loud and Sudden Noises

Cats have highly sensitive hearing and can be easily startled by loud or sudden noises. Common household sounds like a vacuum cleaner, loud music, or even raised voices can be distressing for them. Such noises can create an environment of fear and anxiety, leading to a cat feeling insecure in its own home.

To create a more cat-friendly environment, it’s essential to minimise loud noises as much as possible. When introducing potentially frightening sounds, like a new appliance, it should be done gradually, allowing the cat to become accustomed to the noise from a safe distance. 

Providing a quiet, safe space where the cat can retreat to when overwhelmed can also be very beneficial – the comfort of knowing that they are never really trapped can allow them to stay calm in the face of the unexpected. 

4. Inconsistent or Harsh Discipline

Cats do not respond to discipline and training in the same way as some other pets, like dogs. Negative reinforcement techniques, such as yelling or spraying water, are not only ineffective but can also damage the cat’s trust in their owner. 

Cats respond best to positive reinforcement – rewarding good behaviour rather than punishing bad behaviour. To effectively guide a cat’s behaviour, it’s important to understand what motivates them. Using treats, gentle praise, and patience can be far more effective. 

If a cat engages in undesirable behaviour, such as scratching furniture, providing appealing alternatives (like a scratching post) and encouraging their use can yield much better results than any form of punishment.

5. Lack of Environmental Enrichment

Cats, especially indoor cats, require a stimulating environment to stay mentally and physically healthy. A common mistake made by cat owners is not providing enough environmental enrichment, such as scratching posts, toys, and opportunities for climbing and exploring. 

A lack of stimulation can lead to boredom and stress, manifesting in destructive or undesirable behaviours. To counteract this, it’s vital to enrich the cat’s environment. This can include interactive toys, regular playtime, and structures that allow the cat to climb and explore. 

Regularly changing or rotating toys can keep the environment interesting and engaging for the cat. Additionally, providing safe access to a window where they can observe the outdoors can also be a great way to keep your cat stimulated throughout the day.


Understanding and adapting to our cats’ preferences is not just about improving their quality of life; it’s about respecting them as sentient beings with their own likes and dislikes. By being mindful of these five common human behaviours that cats often find disagreeable and adjusting our actions accordingly, we can significantly enhance the bond we share with our feline friends. 

A relationship built on mutual respect and understanding between cat and owner will often lead to a harmonious and fulfilling life together. 

How Often Does a Cat Go in Heat?

Cat heat cycles are an integral part of their reproductive process and typically last 2-3 weeks, during which your cat is most fertile and actively looking for a mate.

When your cat is in heat, you may notice them rubbing their face on objects and waving their tail in the air in an attempt to spread their scent.

Felines are seasonally polyestrous

Female cats go through what’s known as an “oestrus”, or heat cycle, to become fertile for mating. This cycle typically lasts from 1-20 days depending on breed and season; unlike humans, female cats don’t bleed during these cycles as their bodies reabsorb old womb lining rather than bleeding it out like humans do. When an unspayed female cat reaches sexual maturity around 4 months of age or upon reaching sexual maturity they typically begin experiencing these cycles regularly until either pregnant or experiencing pseudopregnancy occurs or until either pregnancy occurs or pseudopregnancy occurs (pseudopregnancy).

Proestrus, the initial stage of an estrous cycle, typically lasts one or two days and may be difficult to identify, though signs may surface at this time. Cats during proestrus will become more attracted to males and display affectionate behaviors while also rubbing their head or neck against objects and having mucoid vulvar discharge.

As part of their next stage, cats enter an estrus phase that lasts up to two weeks. Attracting mates is more receptive and responsive during this phase than usual; she may show signs of being pregnant such as rubbing against furniture and people, rolling around on the floor, crouching down with rear end elevated, vocalizations and an increase in appetite.

After an estrus period, cats enter the luteal phase, which lasts up to two weeks and is more difficult to detect due to no obvious symptoms being displayed by their cats during this stage. At some point during this phase, she will begin ovulating and may develop vaginal discharge – however if no male cats become attracted during this time period then her attempt at ovulation may fail, followed by diestrus phase when her uterus has been completely empty and she has entered puberty before repeating again next month!

They go into heat based on sexual maturity

Cats who have not been spayed can begin their first estrus cycle when they reach sexual maturity, usually around six months of age depending on breed. When female cats go into heat they are extremely fertile and look for mates so that they can reproduce. Estrus cycles typically last from several days up to three weeks with longer daylight hours during spring triggering an outbreak.

Female cats in their estrus cycle tend to become very territorial and aggressive, often spraying strong-smelling urine that attracts male cats. While this behavior may be annoying for other cats, you should ensure your cat remains safe by keeping her inside with all doors and windows closed – this will prevent her from wandering off in search of a mate and becoming lost or injured in the process.

The estrus cycle lasts from seven to 19 days, and marks the time of year when female cats are most likely to mate. She becomes especially responsive during this period, often rolling around or rubbing against objects and becoming affectionate towards both owner and other people due to influxes of hormones that occur during this time.

Most kittens experience their first heat cycle between four to twelve months of age, and unless they have been neutered they will continue to cycle at irregular intervals throughout the year until they reach sexual maturity. Therefore it is crucial that female cats who have not yet been neutered are spayed in order to reduce unwanted pregnancies as well as reduce health issues in later years.

An animal in its initial heat may become extremely vocal and aggressive during mating season, especially if she is trying to attract a mate. She will meow loudly and arch her back while trying to approach other male cats as closely as possible in order to mate with them; otherwise, she could become even more aggressive if she fails.

They go into heat based on the timing of the seasons

Female cats begin their annual heat cycles (commonly referred to as oestrus) when they reach sexual maturity – typically six months old but subject to breed, daylight hours, etc. Once at puberty they will continue coming on heat until either they give birth or get spayed/neutered.

Female cats experience their initial estrous cycle, or “season,” every 4-7 days. During this time, she becomes fertile and can mate with any male cat within range. At this time she becomes very affectionate, beginning meowing loudly, rolling on her back while arching her tail, meowing repeatedly as well as spraying or scratching to defend her territory – symptoms which are neither painful nor uncomfortable for the cat but which may require special care during treatment.

Mating season for cats living outdoors typically lasts from spring to fall when longer days stimulate hormones that trigger her period. Indoor cats may still experience periods, though.

Female cats will enter an interestrus stage if they go without being mated during their estrus cycle, showing no physical signs that she is in heat, before returning to season 1-3 weeks later. If they do get mated during this stage, however, then their ovaries will start producing eggs which will become fertilized embryos which implant into her uterus and produce fertilized eggs which will implant there as well.

Felines are polyestrous animals and can experience multiple oestrus cycles per year, giving rise to multiple pregnancies if left unspayed. Without intervention, an unspayed female cat will eventually have her litter, potentially needing euthanization as a result of having given birth. Therefore it is imperative to spay your female cat when old enough. Not only will spaying help prevent pregnancy but it may also reduce aggressive behavior and territorial marking by your cat. For advice about when is best time for your female feline friend please talk to a vet – they will be able to advise as they can advise accordingly.

They go into heat based on the environment

Cats typically enter heat for the first time either in spring or autumn, depending on their geographic location, due to increased daylight hours triggering their bodies’ estrus cycle – this allows your cat to become fertile and ready for mating, lasting anywhere between several days to several weeks. Therefore it’s imperative that your cat be spayed to ensure they do not go into heat unintentionally resulting in unwanted kittens being born into your household.

If your cat hasn’t been spayed yet, they will enter puberty between five and ten months of age – this process is known as estrus cycle and occurs around this period. Any yowling you hear during this stage could be her calling out for a partner; she should feel no discomfort during this phase.

Once a cat reaches estrus stage, she becomes ready to mate with any male that comes her way – which is why it’s best if she stays indoors during this period. If multiple males try mating with her during her estrus cycle, multiple kittens could result. This causes unnecessary stress for both the cats and their parents – therefore spaying your cat immediately is highly recommended.

Female cats in estrus typically rub their faces against things, spreading their scent, in order to attract potential mates and make themselves more desirable. They will also crouch down with their rear end elevated and display other behaviors indicative of fertile cycles.

Cats that have not been spayed will continue to come into heat throughout the year, which can be extremely disruptive to families. Luckily, medications exist that can help alleviate estrus-related side effects; these should be administered with advice from a veterinarian.

What To Do If You Can’t Take Your Cat On Vacation

Whether you’re visiting a distant friend or relative, or you just want to take a break and go on a vacation, bringing your furry companion with you might be tempting. Since you’ll have them with you, you won’t have to worry about whether they’re being taken care of and whether they’re safe.

However, there might be instances where you can’t take your cat with you. Maybe you booked a hotel that isn’t pet-friendly, or maybe you’re going to visit someone who’s allergic to cats. Whatever the reason, you’ll have no choice but to say goodbye to your furry friend for a while.

Though it’s sad, there’s no need to worry. If you need to leave your cats behind, there are plenty of ways to ensure that they’ll be comfortable and well taken care of while you’re away. Below are some things you can do if you can’t take your cat on vacation with you.

Consider Cat Boarding

If you want a stress-free option for both yourself and your cat, you might want to check out cat boarding. That essentially means taking them to an establishment or facility that takes care of cats while their owners are away. This way, someone can look after them and provide them with all the necessities. Since these establishments are meant specifically for that purpose, the staff’s full attention will be on the cats, and they can readily give them daily meals, rest, exercise, and toys to play with.

There are different establishments that offer cat boarding, so you may want to read more about the different types, their rates, and what they can offer you. Remember to check the facility first to see if you’d feel comfortable leaving your cat there for a while. Depending on your cat’s temperament, you might also want to inquire if the cat boarding facility offers the option of letting your cat join others or letting them have a space to themselves.

Ask A Family Member Or Friend

If your cat is low-maintenance and bonds well with people, you can consider asking a family member or friend to look after them. This way, you can be at peace knowing that someone you trust will care for them while you’re on your trip. And if your cat knows the person well or has spent a lot of time with them, they’re less likely to feel anxious or distressed about being left behind.

Before you start making calls to family members or friends, however, remember to take several things into consideration. For instance, it would be best to entrust your cat to someone who doesn’t already have pets, as your cat may feel uncomfortable around other animals. Also, consider the lifestyle of the person. If they usually have a packed schedule or are out at all hours of the day, they might not be able to care for your cat the way you want them to.

Hire A Pet Sitter

If you’re unable to find a good candidate among friends or family, a great alternative is to hire a pet sitter. There are two types you can choose from. The first type is someone who will stay in your home for the entire time you’re away. The other type is someone who will just visit your home during specific times of the day to check up on your cat, give them food, refill their water bowl, and clean up their litter box. Your choice of pet sitter will depend on your cat’s personality (such as whether they’re independent or prefer to be around someone constantly) and your budget.

Whichever type you go with, be sure to choose a pet sitter who’s experienced and trustworthy. It’s advisable to ask family or friends for recommendations. If possible, try to see if there are reviews for the pet sitter’s services, or ask the pet sitter to provide you with references so you can ask their previous clients about their experience with them. This way, you can be assured that your cat will be in good hands.

Prep Your Home So Your Cat Can Be Self-Sufficient

If you’re confident that your cat will be fine even if left alone, you can simply let them be and leave them alone at home. Of course, you’ll still have to make arrangements to ensure their safety, such as enlisting a family member or friend to check up on them every once in a while.

Additionally, you should make adjustments to your home to make it more cat-friendly and safe. There are various ways you can ensure that your cat will be well-fed, hydrated, and comfortable while you’re away.

  • Purchase An Automatic Feeder: If you’ll only be gone for a few days, it would be wise to purchase an automatic feeder for your cat. All you have to do is set a timer for their meals, and the feeder will release a set amount of food at the specified times. This will ensure that your cat will be well-fed and have enough to eat while you’re away.
  • Prepare A Water Dispenser: If you only leave water bowls for your cat to drink out of, they might get knocked aside or fall down. Even if your cat is well-behaved, accidents can still happen. To prevent this from happening and to keep them hydrated, you should prepare at least two full water dispensers that they can drink from. Ideally, they should be secured in place to prevent them from falling or getting knocked over.
  • Decide Free Spaces: Before you leave the house, decide which areas of your home your cat can freely roam. This way, you can limit possible chaos while still allowing your cat to be comfortable. For restricted areas, make sure the doors and windows are locked and can’t be opened by your cat. For free spaces, clear out any objects they could possibly break.
  • Keep Electrical Cords Out Of The Way: To prevent your cat from getting tangled or tripping, you should ensure that electrical cords are kept out of the way. Apart from unplugging them, manage the cables properly and consider tying them up to prevent mishaps.
  • Install A Pet Camera: If you want to be able to check on your pet yourself, you can install pet cameras inside your home. There are many kinds available that come with different features, such as treat dispensers and speakers that allow you to talk to your pet, but their primary purpose is to provide you with a means to monitor them.


It’s normal to be worried about your cat when you have to go on a trip without them. However, you can make the situation less stressful for both you and your pet by considering the options above. Think carefully about the pros and cons of each one, and take into consideration your cat’s personality as well. This way, you can enjoy your trip without having to worry about them.

How to stop a cat from pooping on the floor

There are few things more frustrating than having a cat that consistently poops on the floor. It can be messy, difficult to clean up, and simply unsanitary. Luckily, there are steps you can take to help stop your cat from doing this. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most effective methods for preventing your cat from defecating on the floor. Stay tuned for more tips!

Why Does My Cat Poop on the Floor?

Before you can prevent your cat from pooping on the floor, you need to determine why they are doing it in the first place. There are several reasons for this behavior, including litter box issues or health problems. Here are some common causes for this problem:

Litter box aversion – This is one of the most common causes for cats pooping outside of their litter boxes. Several factors can contribute to this issue, including dirty litter boxes, not enough litter boxes per cat, and certain medical conditions that result in pain when using the litter box. To learn more about litter box aversion and how to resolve it, click here.

Here are some initial things you need to keep an eye out for:

-Cleaning the floors where your cat is pooping. This could be another factor leading to litter box aversion if you are not using appropriate products for this purpose.

-Moving the litter box to a location in which your cat does not feel comfortable going to the bathroom. Cats can be very picky about where they do their business, particularly when it comes to privacy and comfort. For example, a move in a new home might cause your cat to become stressed and start pooping outside of his or her litter box.

-The presence of other cats in or around the home that prevent your cat from feeling safe in his or her own territory. In these cases, there needs to be a better understanding of how each cat will coexist peacefully.

-Inappropriate marking due to a medical condition, such as a urinary tract infection. These conditions cause your cat to associate going to the bathroom with pain and discomfort, so they will avoid their litter box to keep from causing themselves further discomfort.

Why Is My Cat Pooping Outside the Litter Box?

If there are no obvious litter box issues causing your cat to poop outside of the litter box, then it could be due to another medical or behavioral issue. Here are some other reasons why cats will choose not to use their litter boxes:

-Aging can bring on vision problems that make it difficult for older cats to navigate their way around a litter box without making a mess.

-Cats with feline dementia may stop using their litter boxes because they cannot remember where they are located. Owners often find that their cat might have started pooping in random places, including laundry rooms and other sections of the house. If you suspect this is happening, consult your local veterinarian.

-Certain types of cancer can cause pain when using the bathroom, so your cat may start pooping outside of the litter box to avoid the pain.

-Cats with arthritis or other mobility issues might not be able to get into their litter boxes without difficulty. For example, if you have several cats and only 1-2 litter boxes, an older cat might not be able to climb over his younger counterparts successfully. This can cause them to associate using their litter boxes with pain or discomfort that is difficult for them to handle. If this happens, consider removing all other cats from the home (if possible) and adding more litter boxes for your pet(s).

-Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (also known as CDS) is a disorder that affects senior cats, causing them to do things they would not normally do. This can include pooping outside of the litter box.

-If a cat has begun to eat more food than normal, they may suffer from a health issue called hepatic lipidosis, which causes fat to accumulate in their liver and interfere with its normal functions. In cases like this, your cat will generally stop eating and start going to the bathroom outside of his or her litter box due to vomiting. When you notice these signs, it is important that you contact your veterinarian immediately!

Health Problems

– If your cat is passing more stool than usual, it is important to take him or her to the veterinarian. This could be a sign of potentially life-threatening illnesses, such as chronic kidney failure and inflammatory bowel disease.

Stress and Behavioral Issues

-Moving to a new home can cause your cat severe stress, which can lead them to start pooping outside of the litter box.

-If you have recently taken in another pet or made changes to your environment, it could be causing undue stress for your cat. When this happens, cats may stop using their litter boxes because they are becoming stressed.

-Sometimes, there is no specific reason why cats will stop using their litter boxes. Your pet might just do it without any other sign that something may be wrong. If you notice that your cat has begun pooping outside of his or her litter box and he or she does not appear sick or stressed out, watch them carefully to see if they continue doing it over time.

-Cats may stop using their litter boxes if there is another cat in the home that is bullying or being aggressive toward them. If this happens, remove the other cat from your home and see if it solves the problem.

-If you have a multi-cat household, it can be difficult to have enough litter boxes for all of them. This can cause some tension between certain cats, which could lead to unhealthy competition around their litter box. In cases like these, consider adding more litter boxes throughout your house, as well as a special one on every floor.


-A cat that begins to poop outside of the litter box can be a very upsetting and frustrating issue for an owner to deal with. Although it may seem like your pet is intentionally defying you, these actions often indicate other problems were should be addressed.

How to stop cat from peeing on carpet

If your cat is urinating on your carpet, it can be a frustrating and challenging problem to solve. There are many things you can do to try to stop your cat from peeing on the carpet, but not every method will work for every cat. In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most common ways to prevent cats from peeing on carpets, as well as some tips on how to deal with this behavior if it persists. We hope you find this information helpful!

Why Your Cats Might be Peeing on the Carpet

-If you’re not yet aware of the reason(s) why your cat is peeing on your carpet, it’s important to first understand their rationale. It is a commonly held misconception that cats urinate on carpets, floors and other places as a means of revenge or spite. This type of behavior is typically attributed either to litter box aversion or underlying health issues.

How to stop a cat from urinating on the carpet?

-If your cat is peeing on the carpet, here are some tips for resolving this problem:

-Replace the litter box with a larger type of litter box.

-Clean the litter box daily, scooping out solid waste and refilling with clean litter.

-Make sure you use an unscented clumping (rather than clay) litter in your box. Cats don’t like scented litters because their extremely keen sense of smell allows them to detect even subtle changes in their environment.

-Place multiple boxes side by side along one wall or in a corner to make it easier for your cat to get to her litter from anywhere inside the room. If necessary, add more litter boxes throughout other rooms where she typically spends time.

-Don’t place the litter box near a washing machine or dryer, noisy appliances, or an area of heavy traffic .

-If possible, place it in a quiet area away from outside doors.

-Place the litter box away from areas where your cat eats her meals and snacks.

-Consider using a covered litter box, which may feel more private and secure to your cat. If you still think your cat is uncomfortable with the type of litter you’re currently using, try our Purr…fect Litter Mat below: It’ll keep the litter off their paws while simultaneously making sure they have clean feet after climbing out of the litter box!

What to do if you have multiple cats?

-If you have multiple cats, it’s best to purchase additional litter boxes rather than try to make do with fewer (cats don’t like sharing). If you only have one cat, you can probably get by with a jumbo-sized box. For multiple-cat households, the rule of thumb is one litter box per cat plus one extra (anywhere from 2-5). Place them side by side along an inside wall or in adjacent corners (the idea is that they should all feel somewhat private when accessing the boxes). If your home has several floors and your cats typically go to the bathroom on different levels of the house, consider placing litter boxes on each floor. Don’t forget about laundry rooms! Probably the most common places where cats urinate are in laundry rooms, next to their food bowls, and near where their owners sleep. If you have a kitten or an elderly cat that has trouble getting into the litter box, purchase one with low sides. You can also place a large plastic storage bin inside your standard-size litter box. This will give them more surface area to step into while still feeling secure inside the box.

Thoroughly Clean the Area:

Use a paper towel or a clean rag to soak up as much urine as possible. If there’s excess hair, try using a coarse brush. Next, spray the affected area with an enzyme-based pet odor eliminator that’s specifically designed to get rid of pet stains and odors. These products do two things:

-One is that they use live bacteria to eat away at the urine salts on carpet fibers, which essentially eliminates the odor from your cat’s perspective.

-Second, these cleaners typically have some sort of fragrance to mask any remaining odor from your cat’s sensitive nose.

Transition Your Cat to Her New Litter Box:

-Switch up the location of your litter box every three days or so until you’ve created a “safe zone” free from any other areas where she might feel inclined to urinate. It can take as much as two weeks for your cat to become comfortable with the new spot, but once she does, chances are this will be her bathroom…for years to come!

Address the Litter Box(es):

-Make sure the boxes are large enough for your cat to get in and out of comfortably.

-Make sure the box is on the same level as where she sleeps, eats, or plays.

-Cats don’t like dirty litter boxes, so scoop it at least once a day.

-You should also replace all your litter about once every month or two depending on how many cats you have. The more cats that use the box, the faster it gets used up! This shouldn’t be too hard; if there’s one thing that cats share with their human counterparts (especially women), it’s an appreciation for good hygiene and a hatred for dirty bathrooms!

Talk to Your Vet First:

-If you find yourself at your wit’s end despite having done everything in your power to keep your cat from wanting to pee on the carpet, there is still hope. Just make an appointment with your veterinarian. Urinary tract infections are extremely common among cats, which can cause them to feel uncomfortable when using the litter box. If left untreated, these infections can lead to kidney failure and death.


-If your cat is peeing on the carpet, you need to go through and clean the area thoroughly.

-Once the area has been cleaned, you will want to move one of your litter boxes near that location (make sure it’s not too close where she feels like she can’t get away from it).

-You may also want to consider putting a door in between or adding any other sort of barrier so that she can still have access to her usual spot without being tempted by another place just a few feet away.

6 Things to Do Before Bringing your New Pet Home

Bringing home a pet is surely one of life’s biggest joys. When family conversations have set up what pet everybody needs, you will presently have to evaluate questions, for example, who will change the litter?  What to choose from corgi names? Who will bathe it? Who will take it to the vet? You additionally have to think about the need to set up your home in a way to make it comfortable and safe for the new member of your family. These are 6 ways to show you how it’s done:

Pet-Proof Your House

You’ll have to make your home secured in all regards before taking over this responsibility, regardless of whether it’s focusing on dangerous ornaments like glass around Christmas time or properly shutting your garbage bins. Unsafe plants, harmful food sources, and hazardous materials in your house ought to be kept far off. 

Set up Your Pet’s Own Space

You need to settle on and set the area or spot where your pet will remain the most. Why? Since it ought to be appropriate for the kind of pet you’re getting, and it ought to likewise be protected. Ask yourself, will your new feline or canine be confined to just one place of the house, or will it be allowed to just roam freely anywhere in the house? 

Get Your Pet Lots of Toys

In case you’re taking on a canine, give him plenty of bite toys, so he will not be tempted to bite on other things. Felines ought to have chunks of yarn and other toys to play around with. Remember that pets investigate their environmental elements with their mouths, particularly when they’re young. It’s your responsibility to make sure that anything that shouldn’t be licked on or bitten is kept far off.

Stock up on Pet Supplies

Leashes, collars, waste bags, ID tags, scratching posts, litter and litter boxes should be generally bought before you bring your new pet home. You should buy a similar kind of food the pet has been eating, regardless of whether it’s low quality. The pressure of moving into another house is enough for your pet to manage, and he needn’t bother with the additional trouble of another new eating regimen.

Deep Clean Your House

Take all your precious things and put them in storage boxes that are far off. You should make a system that doesn’t allow the pets to get into little spaces, however, you can’t cover some spaces, for example, under beds or dressers. Also, settle on where you will keep and maintain pet supplies to stay away from confusion and mess. This is likewise a perfect chance to choose where the pet will play or exercise in case it’s a dog.

Secure Door and Window Screens

Assuming you’re getting a feline, you’ll need to guarantee that your window and entryway doors etc have hooks that a nosy cat will not have the option to open, and also ensure that these screens are secure. You should likewise close and cover all the toilets, as your pet may consider it to be a big water bowl and try to get a drink from it.

What Does Your Choice of Pet Say About You?

When you got your pet, you probably spent a good amount of time thinking about whether or not that particular species would be the right fit for you and your family. For instance, if you decided to adopt a cat from a local animal shelter, you might have decided on that type of pet because they tend to be low maintenance and they don’t need to be taken on walks like dogs do. On the other hand, if you adopted a dog, you might have chosen to do that because you want a companion you can be active with in the great outdoors.

Whether you own a dog, cat, bird, reptile, or fish, you know that sharing your home with animals can bring loads of love and joy into your life. But did you know that there are some things that your choice of pet might say about you? 

Perhaps, in addition to using sources like Nuwber to gather more information about someone you’ve met, you can also figure out what they’re like based on the types of pets they share their home with. Interesting, right? Continue reading to see what we mean. 

Dog People vs. Cat People

Two of the most popular types of pets are cats and dogs, and many people assume that there are some differences between people who choose felines and those that prefer canine companions. There is some truth to that, but there are also many similarities between dog owners and cat owners. 

According to Business Insider, there are different personality types that tend to go with certain types of pets. Dog owners tend to be fun to be around. Also, if you are a dog owner, you might be more extroverted compared to a cat person, as well as more agreeable. On the other hand, individuals who own cats might be more sensitive, open, and dependable, but they might also be more neurotic than dog owners as well.  

Do You Prefer a Different Type of Pet?

Dogs and cats are not the only types of pets you can share your home with. Many people like the company of a reptile, bird, and fish, and those species might say something about you too. For example, if you like sharing your home with a reptile, you might be independent. Those who own turtles might be reliable, while fish owners might be happier.  

Also, according to Bustle, bird owners tend to be outgoing, caring, and polite, and women who own birds might be viewed as socially dominant as well. On the other hand, if you are the proud owner of a horse, you might be introspective, not as nurturing, and assertive. 

Remember, Everyone Is Different!

Sure, there might be some similarities between people who prefer the same type of pet, but these are not solid rules. Indeed, everyone is a unique individual, and every animal is also an individual with their own one-of-a-kind personality. So, even if you think that you are a dog person, you might find yourself really connecting with a cat you meet, and you might become a person who loves dogs and cats equally. 

Bottom line: while you might be able to accurately guess some personality traits based on a person’s choice of pet, it is more likely that they will be much more complex than you think.

Understanding Your New Kitten: Why Is My Cat So Skittish?

You may have your new kitten set up like a king or queen, and you may be sitting up waiting for them to come check it all out — with their yummy new treats on hand and your cute and instagram-worthy cat socks on foot. But your cat needs time to adjust to their new home (which likely means smelling EVERYTHING thoroughly first at least) and build up a little more trust with you.

While it’s normal for your cat to be skittish at first, though, it shouldn’t go ignored! From toys to treats there are plenty of tactics to use to get your kitten comfortable, but the first one to try is aiming to understand if there’s anything in particular that’s amplifying their anxiety!

Why is Your Cat So Skittish?

Along with being a normal and very natural reaction, things that could be amplifying your kitty’s anxiety and causing them to be extra skittish could include:

  • A new home. If they are just coming home for the first time, this is likely the culprit. It takes time to get used to a new environment! Along with everyone likely being enthralled with kitty and wanting to show it some love, any new space is sure to leave them skittish until it’s proven safe and sound. On that note…
  • An uncertain sound. Even the most subtle sound can get your cat’s attention and possibly freak them out. Listen hard —  if you can identify and eliminate any odd noises, it may be a good idea! If these sounds are permanent or unavoidable like your family’s voices, your roommate’s footsteps, the hum of the light or the TV, for example, they are also likely repetitive and something that your cat will quickly get used to!
  • A suspicious scent. When you first bring your kitty home, there will be new scents for them to identify and get used to, including your own. This is their strongest and most important sense, so give them some time to get used to all the smells in their new home, as well as spread their own. Leaving a shirt or sweater that you’ve worn overnight in their space for them to not only get used to your scent, but get them cozying up in it and associating it with comfort, is always recommended!
  • More movement than they’re used to. If you live in an active household where people are constantly moving or have your kitty stationed in a high-traffic area of the home, it may be feeling overwhelmed, unsafe or anxious. Similarly, if you’re trying to play with your cat to pull it out of hiding, it’s possible that you could be making too many sharp movements and scaring it! Anything can spook your kitty and keep them on high alert, so try to get the household to remain as calm as possible to see if it helps!
  • Their history. Always consider that your cat may have a history of neglect, abuse or a home that they were used to and have been separated from. Along with this, previous negative associations could have been made with ANYTHING potentially, so stay patient and observant!
  • Feeling unwell. There’s always the possibility that your cat may not be feeling well. Moving from one place to another is stressful, even for animals, so don’t push them too hard! Along with this, your kitty likely isn’t one to show vulnerability —  so if they’re feeling overwhelmed or unwell, they may feel the need to hide until they’re more comfortable with you.

How to Help Your Skitty Kitty

You may be excited to have a new kitty in your home and desperately want to help them get excited too, but it’s a good idea to start off slow! Consider focusing your efforts in on their:

  • Routine. It’s important to create a routine with your kitty! Set aside some time each day to change their litter, groom them, play with them and feed them —  and try to make it all happen at the SAME time every day. If your kitten knows what to expect from day to day, it will help them to get more comfortable!
  • Treats. Treats are a great way to gain your cat’s trust, encourage good behavior and help them to realize that they’re in a safe space where they don’t need to compete for or worry about resources. Along with this, hand feeding your cat their favorite treats is a great way to build your trust and strengthen your bond!
  • Toys. Cats have a cold reputation of being fierce and independent, but no kitty can resist a good play session! Get your hands on some interactive cat toys for your new kitty and spend time playing each and every day. Strengthening your bond through play is highly encouraged, is fun for your cat, makes them feel like they’re in charge and can be entertaining to no end for everyone! 
  • Patience. Patience is the most important thing that you can provide for your cat. Know that you can’t force a cat to do anything —  cats are independent and will spend their time how they please, not how you please. That being said, with the proper motivation (like a treat in your hand, for instance) and a bit of patience, it’s possible to endure their apparent disinterest or excessive caution and build a bit more trust.

From Skittish to Sweet

As a pet owner, extending your time and effort to this little creature should come naturally to you —  that being said, surrendering to its instincts and getting skittish is natural for your new kitten! Putting a little time and effort into the relationship and staying as patient as possible will have your kitty comfortable in no time, though —  because that’s natural, too!

How to keep a cat out of a room

Cats are wonderful pets to have, but they can be a bit of a nuisance when it comes to getting into rooms that you do not want them in. Cats like the smell and warmth of these rooms and will go into them even if you try your best to keep them out. Therefore, we have put together some ways for how you can stop cats from going into certain areas so that they cannot cause any damage or make a mess. Keep reading below to find out more about what we mean!

The first thing you need to think about is their food bowls as cats love eating near where they sleep. If there are no food bowls in the room, then this may deter your cat from entering as they would rather not go without their daily meals! If you are not able to move the food bowls, then another thing you can try is to sprinkle cayenne pepper on their food. This will make it taste extremely horrible and your cat will refuse to eat it. This should work well also if you have a few cats as they do not like eating out of each other’s bowls which means that they may be less likely to go into the room if their food has been tampered with!

Another way that may stop your cat from entering certain rooms is by getting rid of cat flaps or locks for windows. If there is no way for them to get in then there isn’t any point of them going in so this could help train them better so they understand not to go somewhere that they cannot get into.

Cats also like to scratch things; this is just what they do so if you have something soft for them to scratch then there should not be any need for them to go looking elsewhere! If you can place a scratching board or post near the room you do not want your cat in, then this should help as it will stop them from doing any potential damage. When getting the post remember to get one that is tall enough for your cat to stretch out fully and wide enough so that they can lay on it. It would also be a good idea to put some catnip on it too as this will attract your kitty straight away!

If you have any plants in the rooms that you do not want your cat to go into then you need to think about the possibility of them climbing up something that they can use to get onto the plants! Try to move any plant holders out of the way so that there is nothing for them to climb on. If this fails, then another thing you can try is covering up their favorite plants with plastic bags or pots. This will make it difficult for them and they should stay away instead, or at least learn slowly over time that these plants are not for playing with!

Another thing you can do which may sound silly but has worked for other people in the past talk loudly in front of the room like you are angry. Cats hate loud noises and shouting so if your cat hears this before they go into the room it should make them think twice about what they are doing!

You could also try to train your cat by using treats to get them used to stay away from certain areas. Give them a treat every time you see them not going into the room (do NOT do this if there is anything in there that they could damage, just use their food bowls for this). Over time cats tend to learn that something is good or bad through repetition so this should help with getting rid of the problem.

If all else fails, then you may need to consider getting another feline companion. Two cats can keep each other entertained and will stop the other one from coming into anywhere they shouldn’t! This can be done by either getting two kittens at the same time or by getting an adult when you already have one. Two cats together can make life much easier when it comes to controlling your kitty!

You should also think about investing in some scratching posts and pads for inside the rooms they are not allowed in! This way they will learn over time where is good for them to scratch and where is not, which should stop them from ruining anything that you do not want to be damaged.

If there are certain things that your cat just loves, then you could try putting their favorite toy near the door so that they will play with this instead. If they get bored of it then there is no harm done but if they do go into the room, then at least you know what they are doing so can put that toy away!

One last way that may work is to place one of the cat’s favorite things in there, like their bed or some food. If they are comfortable enough then they should not want to go anywhere else! Just remember that if you do this then you will need to keep checking up on them, so it does not become a problem for your kitty later.

There are several ways to stop your cat from entering rooms that should be off-limits, but it depends on why they are doing it and which room is the culprit. You can train them by using treats or play toys but if all fails just get another furry friend as cats love company! Make sure that you use these methods at first of trouble as waiting until something has been ruined could be very costly for you!


Cat-proofing your home can be a bit of a challenge, but there are plenty of things that you can do to keep them away from rooms they aren’t supposed to go into. For starters, if it’s the kitchen they’re getting into, try putting up some baby gates so they don’t have access. If it’s their scratching post they are after, move it to another room where you want them to use it instead. You may also want to think about using an enzyme spray or another type of repellent product on plants in any other rooms that need protection. Also, consider changing plants out throughout the house with non-toxic ones as well if your cats spend a lot of time inside. If you’ve already got some toxic plants, then try moving them to places where your cats can’t get to them, or else find something you can put in their place – maybe a new plant! There are plenty of options available when it comes to keeping your kitty away from rooms, they shouldn’t be in.

How to make a cat sleep instantly

A cat’s sleep patterns are as unique as the cats themselves. Some cats can be quite active at night, while others prefer to take naps during the day and stay up all night. If your cat is keeping you awake at night with their constant meowing or moving around, there are some things that you can do to help them sleep better and get a good rest every day.

What will you find there?

Cats are usually active at night, and they need their sleep just as much as we do. Many people have problems with sleeping at night because of their playful pets that are hungry for attention. So what can be done to improve this situation? There is an easy solution to this problem! This article will give you several tips on how to make your cat sleep longer. Follow them carefully! Our beloved pets deserve our best care, so please read this article until the end!

Here are a few tips on how to make a cat sleep instantly, or at least help them feel sleepy so they’ll stop being so restless.

Tips on How to Make a Cat Sleep Instantly:

– The first tip that you should follow is related to your cat’s diet. Cats that are allowed to eat whenever they feel hungry often develop some bad habits, such as eating throughout the night. Many cats have sensitive stomachs, and it can be difficult for them to digest their food when eaten so frequently. It may take some time for this change in routine to make a difference in your cat’s sleeping patterns, but eventually, they will stop waking up many times at night.

– Another way you can make a cat go to sleep more easily is by playing types of music for him/her. There is observational evidence that suggests cats respond positively to music with classical themes, especially the type played using string instruments at medium volume levels.

– The next tip will be useful for those who own cats who are experiencing anxiety problems when it comes to sleeping. They can’t fall asleep easily because they are worried about what will happen tomorrow or the day after that. Spending quality time with your cat every evening will improve his/her mood and give them something positive to look forward to before drifting off for the night of sleep. If you want a fast-acting natural remedy, PURRfect Sleep Aid might be a good choice as it contains ingredients that have been proven effective in helping pets get restful sleep by relaxing them and removing nervousness from their mind.

– The last but not the least tip will be important for those who come home to find their cat sleeping in an abnormal position. We often notice cats sleeping in very funny positions, even if they are healthy and rested enough. Some of them might sleep standing up, while others prefer lying down on their backs or stomachs. These behavior patterns may indicate that your pet is having problems with his/her health at some point, so you should contact a vet immediately!

– Remember that these tips are meant to make your life easier when it comes to making your cat sleep more easily. If you follow the advice given in this article carefully, you can be sure that your furry friend enjoys staying in bed at night!

– Most cats will be able to fall asleep more quickly if you stroke their back or neck gently. The rhythmic strokes help them feel calm and relaxed, which can cause the cats to nod off in your lap. Cats who are experiencing anxiety may find it difficult to sleep at night because they are too busy worrying about what might happen the next day. Spending quality time with them every evening will improve their moods and give them something positive to look forward to before drifting off for the night. Of course, there is always the option of purchasing a product like PURRfect Sleep Aid, which contains natural ingredients (such as Valerian Root) that have been proven effective at helping pets get restful sleep.

– Every household with cats has different needs, and there are many ways that you can help your feline companions get the most out of their daily lives by learning more about their habits and adjusting your routine accordingly. By making some simple changes in your household routine, you can get rid of any bad sleeping habits that may have developed for your cat, but it is important to be patient when dealing with animals so they will not feel threatened or anxious. Before long, both you and your furry friend will be able to get plenty of rest every night.

– Physical contact with your cat is a great way to get a feline friend ready for a snooze. Holding the kitty near their chest in your arms and stroking it gently could do the trick since touch is one of their important senses. Plus, when cats purr, it has been proven that the vibration from the sound can promote feelings of calmness and relaxation.

– Scented pheromone discs worn around the neck have been known to induce restful slumber in many small animals. These discs emit scents like what naturally be found in a cat’s facial glands to help them feel relaxed and comfortable. So, there are many scents that your cat might find soothing, so be sure to check the labels on these products before using one.

– If you’re not ready to use any type of pheromone discs or sprays, then try playing soft music in the background. The sounds of classical music have been proven for years for helping people relax and fall asleep faster, but it’s also a great way to put cats at ease as well. Just make sure it has no loud thumps or bangs since those types of sounds can cause cats anxiety.

– You could also turn off all the lights in your house if your kitty is keeping you up with their evening’s activities. Maybe they’re looking for their food bowl, or they’ve got something in their view that they can’t stop staring at. Either way, your cat’s eyes will adjust over time to the darkness so this could be another great option if you’re beside yourself with the worry of being up all night with a wide-awake kitty.

If nothing else is working, then why not try giving your cat some catnip? There are many old wives’ tales about how this plant induces slumber in felines but there have been no concrete studies done on cats to prove any of these claims. Catnip does affect most dogs, however, so it could just calm down your feline friend too without causing any harm if you give them a tiny bit.

So, if your cat is keeping you and everyone else in your household awake with their loud meowing or running around all night, then just try out a few of these tips to see which one works best for them…and you.


Many people have problems with sleep because cats or dogs are running across our heads at night or waking us up every time, we try to catch a wink. But this problem won’t last forever! The following tips were created especially for those who love their cats very much but would like to get a better night of sleep.

If you want to make a cat sleep instantly, you should try the tips mentioned in this article. Although they will not work for all cats, it is sure that the little changes in the household routine will help them stop waking up at night and make both of your lives easier!

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