Benefits of Classroom Pets

These days, animals in the classroom have become a necessity. It looks like children or teenagers cannot continue their studies without having their pets by their side. The most important thing is that some teachers or professors also bring their pets with them in school, college, and university campuses. This proves that so many people have opted for the trend of having pets. They do not feel shy to bring their animals wherever they go. Not only adults but also children, teenagers, and adolescents love to spend as much time with animals as possible. The fact is that there are various advantages of pets in the classroom. Here is a glimpse of some of those major advantages.

Pets teach us compassion

If you have ever gotten the chance of reading quality essays for money about pets, you might have an idea that pets can teach us how to be compassionate. If you are an adult, then you will not have a problem with learning how to be caring and loving. However, if you are a child or a teenager who needs to learn a lot of things, then you should have a pet.

In the company of a pet, it will be easy for a teenager or a child to spend quality time. One of the core benefits of classroom pets is that pets can teach children how to support and love one another without being greedy and how to be there for others all the time or for as long as they need.

Pets can teach you responsibility

One of the core facts about classroom pets is that animals can teach us how to be responsible. This is because they will have to be paid attention to inside and outside the class. In case you bring your pet with them to the school, college or university campus, you will have to arrange food and other things for it so that the pet can be kept in a safe place and without any major problem.

In simple words, we can say that pets can make children and teenagers more responsible than ever. This is because they will have to spare extra time to take care of their animals and may have to bring food with them in order to feed their pets whenever they are hungry. In doing so, children will get to know how to fulfill their duties on a daily basis and how to show responsibility toward other humans and animals.

The chance is that this will change the lifestyle of children to an extent as they will become more sensible and responsible than ever. Maybe, they will begin studying properly and may become more responsible for their studies than ever.

Pets can teach children how to think logically

A team of specialists at EssayWritingService has made it clear that pets can teach kids how to think logically. While in the class, children mostly learn how to read and write. However, if they bring their pets with them, it will be easy for them to handle different situations and to make logical decisions.

One of its best examples is that pets will require the utmost attention and affection. This means a child will learn to be patient and may get to know how to clean the cage and take care of the pet without getting angry. Maybe, the pet will need to be moved from one place to another and this can be daunting for the child in the beginning. However, when he or she becomes able to make logical decisions about the betterment of the pet, then they will surely show patience and may change their behavior from a negative one to a positive one.

 Children can learn about sanitation

As we all know that the problem of coronavirus has taken a serious form and that millions of people across the globe are suffering from COVID-19. What we are being told nowadays is that we should wear masks and maintain hygiene and cleanliness along with maintaining social distancing.

In the case of children, it is very important to teach them the basics of sanitation. Are class pets distracting? No, animals are not distracting. In fact, they can teach children how to keep their environment hygienic and how to maintain the cleanliness of their bodies as well as the classroom.

An idea of this can be taken from the fact that children will have to wear gloves while coming in contact with their pets. This will eventually teach them how important sanitation or cleanliness is. If your child begins wearing gloves, then you can give him or her more information regarding the value of wearing gloves and mask during this pandemic.

The more animals or pets children can have, the higher are their chances of learning the basics of sanitation. Teachers and parents need to collaborate in this regard. Together or individually, they can make children understand that they should never touch their pets or other animals without wearing gloves. This way they can also teach them that the problem of coronavirus will be solved when we all will start wearing masks and gloves and maintain social distancing.

Pets can teach sharing

Why pets should be allowed in school? One of the core reasons for allowing pets in schools, colleges, and universities is that they can teach children how and why to share their products or eatables with others. As we all know that sharing is caring and that our bonds can be strengthened with other people if we choose to share our goods with them on a regular basis.

If you have gotten the chance to ask someone to write a dissertation, you will have an idea that you share some money with them to motivate them to give their best. In the same way, while at school, a child needs to know the value of sharing and should be taught why it is important to make good friends! The best idea to make things happen in this regard is allowing them to bring their pets to school. When they are with their pets, they will want to share their products or goodies with them. This way they will automatically get to know why sharing with their mates is also important.

With these things in mind, we can say that children should be allowed to bring their pets to the class. Little angels can be allowed to carry their pets for a few minutes or hours, and the other kids should be allowed to keep their pets with them by the end of the day or for as long as possible.

Best Accessories to Make Your Pets Feel Special

It feels good to come home to a pet that’s waiting for you to arrive. If you have dogs, they will bark upon sensing your arrival. Your cats might seem not to care, but they’re adorable and loving to their owners. Your pets deserve rewards and buying them accessories is an excellent way to make them feel loved. These are among the best options that will enhance your relationship with your beloved pets.

Automatic fetch

You want to spend time with your dogs, and they love it when they can play fetch with you. If you’re not busy, you make sure to play it with them as often as possible. However, there are times when your work demands a lot from you. As such, it helps if you can purchase an automatic fetch toy. Even if you’re doing something else, your dog feels that you still play the game together.

Pet pup tub

Bathing your dogs could be challenging. Some of them hate being in the water. You can change this experience with the help of a pet pup tub. It’s usually available in small sizes, and is perfect for puppies and dogs of smaller breeds. However, there are bigger sizes that could work if your dogs are of a larger breed.

Dog towel

After bathing your dogs, the next challenging part is wiping them dry. It could take a while, especially if you have dogs with thick hair. The good thing is that with a special dog towel, you can get the job done quickly. It only takes a few minutes before you can finish the grooming process.

Pet carriers 

It’s painful to leave your pets at home, especially if you know you’re heading out to have fun. You don’t need to feel that way anymore if you invest in pet carriers. It allows you to take your beloved pets wherever you go. It might be a confined space, but your pets will still feel comfortable. Just make sure you don’t have a heavy pet, or it might be too difficult to carry it around.

Feed cam 

Leaving your home to go on a business trip for several days will make you feel guilty. If you can find someone to look after your pet, it would be great. Otherwise, you will leave your house with a heavy heart. With this technology, you don’t need to worry anymore. You can now look after your pet using a smartphone. You can also feed your pets on schedule. You won’t go home and see your pet starved and unhealthy.

De-shedding brush 

You need this tool if you have a cat. Cats love it when you brush their hair. This tool doesn’t only give comfort to your cats; it also helps remove unwanted hairs. These pets love playing around, and you need to keep them clean and safe.

Invest in whatever accessory makes your pets feel special. They mean a lot to you, and buying these things is the least you can do.

To Worry or Not to Worry: Top 5 Causes of Vomiting and Diarrhea in Dogs

Your dog is whining and scratching at the door. You know what that means. They need to go for a walk. 

No sooner than you put your shoes on, they find a nice spot on your carpet to vomit. You chalked it up to them eating something they shouldn’t have outside. It should clear up in a few days.

It doesn’t. The vomiting and diarrhea continue through to the latter half of the week. What are the causes of vomiting and diarrhea in dogs and how can you help your fur baby feel better?

You might be able to treat them at home but for the most part, they’ll need the attention of a vet. Check out this guide to find out what might be ailing your pup and what you can do.

Bad Reaction to Food

When you pick up a new brand of food for your dog, you’re supposed to slowly introduce it to them by mixing it in with a bit of their old food. It stops the new food from being such a large shock on their body. If you fail to do this, it will cause vomiting in dogs.

Even if you do introduce their new food using the correct method, some foods don’t agree with all dogs. Fixing the issue might be as simple as going back to their old food.

Dogs are like toddlers. They’ll put anything and everything in their mouths during a walk. Sometimes you can stop them, sometimes you can’t.

If you can’t and they consume something that they shouldn’t, it can cause a bacterial imbalance in their gut which will cause vomiting and diarrhea.

They’re Stressed Out 

Do you know that horrible, upset stomach feeling you get when you’re stressed out about something? Dogs get it too. If they are pacing, barking at what seems like nothing, whining a lot, drooling all over themselves, shedding, and panting on top of experiencing vomiting and diarrhea, it might be anxiety.

To fix the problem you’ll need to find out the source of their stress and stop it. You may need to change your disciplinary measures. If you have a new dog, they might be stressed out because of the new environment.

Dogs have sensitive ears. If your new neighbors are noisy that might be the cause. Dogs don’t like to be left alone for long periods of time. If you’re leaving a lot due to work, you should consider having someone come watch the dog while you’re gone.

They Ate a Toxic Substance 

Again, dogs will put anything and everything in their mouth. As long as it smells and looks like food, it’s fair game to them. That doesn’t mean that it’s good for them.

Look for blood in their vomit and diarrhea. If you see any, you need to get them to a vet right away. They may have eaten a toxic substance and need immediate medical attention.

Organ Failure 

One symptom of pancreatitis in dogs is vomiting and diarrhea. Excessive vomiting could also mean other organ problems such as liver and kidney disease. They might be developing diabetes.

If they’re drinking or urinating more than they normally do, dragging themselves around the house, or experiencing sudden and dramatic weight loss, get them to the vet. They’ll need to check them over to find out for sure but something serious might be wrong with your pupper.

They Have Inflammatory Bowel Disease 

Blood in your dog’s stool doesn’t always point to eating a toxic substance. They may also have inflammatory bowel disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease occurs when their stomach or upper intestine becomes inflamed. If left unchecked, it will lead to an equally inflamed colon. On top of having blood in their stool, you also may spot a mucus-like substance.

Should You Be Worried? 

Nobody likes seeing their dog suffer. Your knee jerk reaction when they start vomiting and having diarrhea will be to take them to the vet. This isn’t necessary unless you spot blood or if their condition doesn’t start lightening up after a few days.

Start by giving them a bland diet of rice and boiled chicken for a day or two. If you don’t have chicken, white fish will work as well. Some people starve their dog for at least 24 hours before starting the bland diet treatment but you don’t have to do that.

Make sure that their water bowl is never empty. You can also try using products such as Canikur to ease diarrhea. If none of this works then it’s time to consult your vet.

How Can the Vet Help?

The vet will do a number of things to try and diagnose your dog’s condition. They’ll do some blood work, they may use an X-ray or ultrasound to see if anything is lodged in their stomach.

If they think that your dog might have some kind of infection, they’ll need to get a stool sample. If the cause of your dog’s problem is dehydration, they’ll use a fluid IV drip to replenish the dog’s fluids.

If it’s a simple issue, they’ll prescribe a bland dog food and give them antibiotics to ease their stomach.

Common Causes of Vomiting and Diarrhea in Dogs and How You Can Help  

There are many causes of vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. Sometimes it’s a simple case of your puppy eating something that they shouldn’t have. If there is blood in their stool the problem might be a little more serious, however.

If your dog ate something toxic or they’re having an organ problem, you’ll need to get them to a vet right away to get them the help that they need.

Is your dog showing other signs of being sick? We can help you diagnose the problem. Check out our blog daily for more articles like this one.


10 Things You Should Never Feed a Cat

It is often tempting to slip your cat some food from your dinner plate, especially if they are looking up at you with those bright, beautiful eyes and meowing expectantly. However, several human foods are dangerous to feed your cat. 

Some foods can lead to toxicity, poisoning and can be lethal so this is extremely important information for all cat owners to know. Below are 10 things you should never feed a cat (including dairy!) and what to do if your cat eats something toxic:

Grapes and Raisins 

While they may appear to be a healthy cat-sized snack, grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in cats. Even a small amount can make a cat unwell and cause symptoms including vomiting and hyperactivity. For this reason, grapes and raisins are best avoided. 


While it may sound obvious that chocolate is not healthy for cats, it can be surprising to hear that eating chocolate can be lethal to cats

Chocolate toxicity can cause tremors, seizures, abnormal heart rhythm and death. This is because chocolate contains theobromine which is toxic to cats. This is found in all types of chocolate so be sure not to leave chocolate laying around. 

Onions, Chives and Garlic 

Onions, chives and garlic in any form are dangerous to offer to cats. These foods can break down red blood cells leading to anemia, weight loss and lethargy. They can cause poisoning and can result in potentially life-threatening health problems.  

Raw Eggs

Raw eggs can cause food poisoning from E. coli or salmonella bacteria. If your cat eats raw egg you may notice symptoms such as diarrhoea and vomiting which can indicate salmonella poisoning. Another potential issue with eggs that is not as common but is still important to be aware of is the impact it has on biotin absorption. The protein in raw egg whites can interfere with your cat’s ability to absorb biotin which can then go on to cause coat and skin problems. 

Dairy Products 

Many of us believe cats are dairy lovers that enjoy nothing more than lapping up a saucer of milk, this is mostly thanks to how cats are portrayed in film, TV and cartoons. However, the truth is that most cats are lactose-intolerant and their digestive systems cannot digest dairy properly. Feeding your cat dairy products often results in digestive upset including diarrhoea. 

Raw Bread Dough

Bread dough that is uncooked rises, if your cat eats raw dough it will continue to swell inside your cat’s stomach. This can cause severe pain as the dough can stretch your cat’s abdomen and can even cause ruptures. The fermented yeast can also produce alcohol so alcohol poisoning is another concern when it comes to raw bread dough.  


In large quantities, caffeine can lead to caffeine poisoning. Signs for this can include rapid breathing, muscle tremors, heart palpitations and restlessness. Caffeine can be found in tea, coffee, cocoa, cola, chocolate and energy drinks as well as some medicines and painkillers. 

Fat Trimmings and Bones

Offering your cat table scraps is a bad idea. You may think that because they are carnivores they can handle fat trimmings and bones but these foods can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In addition to intestinal upset, there is also a risk of choking as well as the bones splintering causing obstructions and damaging your cat’s digestive system. 

 Raw Meat and Fish 

Although cats naturally eat meat, offering them raw meat and fish can cause food poisoning as a result of bacteria. Raw fish also contains an enzyme that destroys thiamine which over a prolonged period can lead to neurological problems. It is safer to cook meat and fish before offering it to your cat. 


Xylitol can be found in a range of products including baked foods, sweets, diet foods and even toothpaste. This ingredient can cause liver failure in cats, it will increase your cat’s insulin levels and can lead to lethargy, a loss of coordination and vomiting. This can worsen to seizures and liver failure. 

Signs Your Cat Has Eaten Something Toxic 

It’s best to avoid offering your cat human food but sometimes they get their paws on things they shouldn’t. If you are worried your cat has eaten something that may be toxic, take them to the vet immediately. Try to determine what they have eaten and how much they ingested as this will help the vet find the most appropriate and effective solution. 

Keep an eye on your cat for the following symptoms that can indicate they have eaten something toxic:  

  • Vomiting 
  • Lethargy 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Choking 
  • Drooling
  • Excessive thirst 
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Blood in stools, saliva or vomit 
  • Pale gums 

If your cat has eaten something toxic or poisonous the sooner they can receive treatment from a veterinarian, the better. 

Storing Toxic Food Items at Home 

When it comes to toxic food, prevention is always better than cure. We know that cats can be clever and sneaky which is why it is important to store toxic foods in airtight containers in a cupboard or fridge. If you are preparing or eating toxic foods, make sure your cat isn’t around to steal any and always wipe down the kitchen tops after use to reduce any risks. It can also be worth getting a sealed bin so your cat cannot forage for food scraps. 

Storing foods on high shelves might seem safe but cats have no problem with heights so it’s better to opt for airtight containers to be on the safe side. To help your cat enjoy their regular meals and the food that they are allowed to eat, make sure you properly store their food too as this will keep it fresh and tasty for their meal times. 

What Treats You Can Offer Your Cat 

If you are ever unsure of whether or not something is okay for your cat to eat, don’t offer it to them. While there are a wide range of foods you can give to your cat as occasional treats, the below are simple foods that you may already have in your house: 

  • Cooked eggs
  • Cooked salmon or chicken 
  • Cooked rice
  • Commercial cat treats 

These are simple treats that your cat will enjoy. It is very important to cook the eggs, fish, meat or rice beforehand and to never season the food. You can even offer biscuits from their regular cat food but whatever treats you choose, remember that moderation is very important for their health and wellbeing too. 

Famous Dog Breeds For Home – Care, Grooming, And Feeding

Is there an animal more loyal than dogs? Surely not! In your opinion, why dogs are loyal? Many of us think that we give them food and shelter and in return, they protect us. But this is not the case. Loyalty is one of the most distinctive features of dogs.

How about that feeling when you come home and you see your dog running towards you and kissing your face? Feels great, huh? You better have dogs, so your children can send some quality time with them. Along with that, when you leave your place, you don’t have to worry about the safety of your house.

Would you like to know more about some of the best dog breeds for your home? Here are a few of them:

Labrador Retriever

This particular dog breed is second to none when it comes to the family-friendly nature of this breed. Labrador dogs are usually trusting in nature which make them a perfect pick for homes. Moreover, they are adorable too.

First of all, make sure to purchase a crate for your new dog. After that, you need to buy a sweet bed for her, so she can feel at home. In order to make your dog look impressive, you can purchase a collar keeping in mind the color of your dog. You can purchase a leash made out of nylon.

If your dog is over 6 months of age, you should feed her twice a day. It is your choice whether you want to feed her wet or dry food, but prefer giving grain-free food to her. You can give biscuits and some other treats occasionally in order to improve her taste.

Pomsky Dog

Pomsky dog is considered to be the center of attention because of the cute, silly and suited appearance. This breed of dog does possess adorable looks and playful antics. These are two of the reasons pomsky is best to be a home pet.

Dogs are like human, and they need to do exercises in order to maintain a healthy body. This breed of dog is one of the most active breeds, and you need to give pomsky company as well. Dogs don’t like to be alone for a longer period of time.

Cut the nails and hair of pomsky to give him a presentable look. Don’t forget to give bath to this dog’s breed twice a week. Go for the regular medical checkups to make sure your pet is healthy and safe.

German Shephard

Normally German Shephard has a large and intimidating appearance, but he has the reputation of loyal and hard-working house pets. You can use this breed as guard dogs because of their curious nature, unique intelligence and keen senses. These dogs have proved to be highly protective for the families in the past.

In order to take care of your German Shephard, train your GSD appropriately when to sit and run. Make him exercise, because it is essential for German Shephard to do all the necessary exercises to be lively. Give your GSD a nice leash that will look cool on him.

Make sure to feed your German Shephard a combination of wet and dry food. Give your dog a balanced diet after consulting your veterinarian. Give her puppy food in the young age, an adult food in her middle age and senior food is recommended in the older age for German Shephards.

Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are much like Labrador Retriever. This dog breed is known for its friendly nature, and astonishing abilities to be a work dog. Golden Retrievers are often used as the guide dogs. You can play with them which is why they are the best dogs for families and children.

To take all the care of her, make sure to keep the doors closed. Don’t allow her to put extra things in mouth . Brush her teeth twice a week. Make sure to clean her ears weekly to reduce any build-up.

Do not give human food to your Golden Retriever; keeping in mind the age of your pet, decide the foods. Give 1 ½ cups a day to the two-month-old puppy, 2 cups to a three-month-old puppy, 2 ½ cups to a four-month-old puppy.


Beagles are cute and even-tempered. Due to their abilities to sniff-out the enemies, you can use these dogs as hunting dogs. Beagles can protect your house from the enemies by guessing them even from a great distance. This breed of dogs quickly warm-up to strangers, which makes them an ideal choice as house pets.

To take care of your beagle puppy, make sure to watch out for breed specific disease. Seizure disorders, Hypothyroidism, Allergies, and Inter-vertebral disc diseases are very common in beagles. Spay or neuter your pet in order to take care of them.

As far as the feeding of a beagle puppy is concerned, you need to give 55 calories per pound of bodyweight to your puppy. Moreover, you can choose the diet keeping in mind the age of beagle puppies. A normal aged beagle does require meal 2-3 times a day.


Out of many dog breeds, bulldogs are the most obedient ones. They don’t require much space for their hard exercises. Those who has a small house and looking for pets, bulldogs are the best dogs for them because of their docile and friendly nature.

It is your duty to take care of your bulldog and never allow your dog to gain weight. If the abdomen of your dog is “tucked”, there is nothing to worry about. A fat bulldog will eventually loose tucked abdomen and there will be visible fat on the ribs.

Wash the teeth of your dog whenever he arrives home. Monitor the health of him once a week and make him visit your veteran. Make sure your bulldog doesn’t dehydrate. The best thing you can do to take care of your bulldog is to Desex him at the right age.

It is very vital to take care of the feeding of your bulldog. Give your bulldog the right dog’s food and if you want to change the brand, make sure to do it gradually. A 6-month-old bulldog requires food 2 times a day, and the one-year old bulldog requires food only once a day.

Yorkshire Terrier

You can use Yorkshire Terrier as home pets because they are tiny and adorable. Because of their tiny size, your children will love spending time with Yorkshire Terrier. These are some of the dog breeds that are easily trainable.

Allergic persons can use them as house dogs (their coats, while not hypoallergenic, are less prone to shedding).

Bath your Yorkie 3-4 times a week. Yorkie’s hair grows rapidly, so to take good care of your Yorkshire Terrier, cut the hair frequently to make her look pleasing to the eye. You can also make a topknot of the hair, and she will look charming.

You need to vaccinate your Yorkie once in 14 weeks to make sure there is no disease or health-related issue. Microchip her after consulting a specialist and he/she can microchip your yorkie even without anesthesia.

Always allow your yorkie to drink fresh and clean water. The best thing about them is that they can eat any sort of commercial food without any special attention. The only thing you need to take care of is overfeeding. Don’t overfeed your yorkie, otherwise, the weight will increase dramatically.


Boxers are known for their loyal and playful nature. They have been given this name because of their inclination to stand on their hind legs, and they can box with their paws. Boxers are one of the most beautiful breeds of the dogs having all the intelligence in the world too.

Give your boxer a nice collar and a soft bed, so your pet can relax. There will be diseases from the teeth, so better checking the teeth of your boxer more often than not. Make them train according to your own requirements, so your dog can be a perfect pet for your house.

Make sure to only feed nutritionally complete meals to your boxer dog. The dosage of your food will eventually depend on the size and age of your puppy. Make sure to examine their feces once a week to get an idea whether the food is completely digestible or the boxers is having issues like constipation and diarrhea.


Out of all the dog breeds, they are toy-sized. Along with their intelligence, they do have a penchant for themselves. The meaning of this word poodle is “to splash about”. Children can lay with them as much as they want, and poodles won’t be tired.

To take care of your poodle, let your dog walk daily for one hour. If you have a nice yard or a garden, let your poodle walk in the garden. Brush your poodle once or twice a week. If the hair is long, cute them or brush them regularly. Give a proper atmosphere by placing a bed for your poodle.

Give your poodle a diet that is rich in calcium and protein. Pick the food that contain 1-2 grams of whole proteins. Choose a food that does have meat, vegetable, and carbohydrate filled rice. Get to know about the size and weight of your poodle to give appropriate portions of food at a time.


Here, we have described everything you need to know in order to pick a perfect dog for your home. When you select a dog for your house, better pick the suitable one and take care of all the needs and feeding of that dog with proper dog supplies.

Biography: I’m an expert as far as the dog breeds are concerned. I’m a dog lover and I have numerous breeds at my place. I’m a veterinary doctor by profession, and I know all the nitty-gritty about the feeding and diseases of dogs in particular.

5 Easy Tips to Make your Pets Drink More Water

Do you know if your dog, cat or rabbit is drinking enough water? Staying hydrated is something you think about for yourself, but your pets also need plenty of water. And if you have a puppy, kitten, guinea pig or parrot that’s reluctant to drink, keeping your pet hydrated can be challenging. Here are five tips for getting your pets to drink more water.

Change Water Regularly

Thirsty? How about a nice glass of lukewarm water? Most people can’t stomach tepid water that has been sitting out, so it’s remarkable how many of us expect our animals to drink water in this state. Water that has been sitting out for hours tastes stale because the carbon dioxide in the air reacts with the water molecules. This causes a lowering of pH levels, which leads to a dramatic change in flavor.

Would you drink water that contained a dead fly? How about pieces of soggy food? Stagnant water is ripe for contamination, being a magnet for everything from dust particles to microorganisms. Bacterial organisms, from the tap water, the air, your pet’s mouth and paws, and the floor, can easily take up an ecosystem in a water bowl that is not regularly refreshed.

Add Some Ice

Do you like ice cold water on a hot day? So might your pet! While many owners leave room temperature water out for pets, it might surprise you to learn that many domestic animals prefer their daily drinking water cold. Try adding a couple of ice cubes, or use refrigerated water, to see if the icy water entices your cat or dog to drink more.

Some animals that are naturally playful, like cats, also enjoy batting at ice cubes in a bowl of water. Some birds, like parakeets, like shiny objects and may also find ice cubes entertaining. Turning healthy hydration into a game is a great way to encourage your pets to drink more water.

Cute ginger cat drinking milk from white bowl. Fluffy thirsty pet on window sill.

Filter Your Water

You don’t drink water that you don’t like the taste of, so why should your gerbil or gecko? While minerals can be beneficial, the specific balance of minerals in your water can alter the flavor. Chemicals can also make water taste bad to your pet. Consider using a quality berkey filter to filter out harmful and bad-tasting chemicals, bacteria and viral components from your tap water.

The difference in taste between straight tap water and filtered water can be dramatic, and you might be surprised by how much of a difference this makes in your pet’s interest in daily hydration.

Make It Fancy

Do you like lemon in beverages? Or fancy the occasional glass of cucumber water? Pets can enjoy fancy drinks too! Find out what fruits and vegetables are safe for your pet, and add thin slices of juicy, flavorful produce to their water bowls. The novelty may go a long way towards getting some animals to drink more.

This tip is especially useful for curious animals, and for those that can see colors. Many birds, like parrots, have very keen eyesight, and can see all the colors that humans see. Cats can see green and various shades of blue and purple, while dogs may be able to see some yellows and blues.

Before you try this, be mindful that some human foods are dangerous for animals, and can cause toxicity if consumed. If you aren’t sure what fruits and veggies are ok to give to your pet, consult a veterinarian.

Try Different Foods

Do you drink Coke with your potato chips? Most people need a beverage when consuming dry and salty foods. For some animals, eating a dry food diet may naturally increase their thirst. If you usually feed your pets wet food, consider a dry kibble to see if this makes a difference.

Wet food blends, however, especially for cats and dogs, can add a minimal amount of hydration to your pet’s diet, and many owners choose to feed canned pet foods for this reason. If you usually feed your pet dry food, you can try switching to wet to increase their hydration levels.

Another way to use food to get your pet to drink more water is by adding water to dry food. Some animals will happily consume dry food that is soaked in water, but not all will, so try this with a small amount of kibble first to see how it goes over.

As you can see, there are many ways to encourage a pet to drink more water. Whether you’re trying to up the amount of water your reluctant kitten consumes or you’re concerned that your fancy mouse may be dehydrated, we hope you found something useful here.

Tips For Caring For Pet Fish

Pet fish are some of the easiest and most rewarding pets to own. While relatively easy to care for, they more than make up for the cost in beauty and fun. However, caring for pet fish canbe a daunting task if you don’t have the experience required. Luckily, once you get the hang of caring for fish, it can be a fun and rewarding task that impresses guests while entertaining you.

The first step to making sure your fish are happy and healthy is getting the appropriate tank. Tank size is a crucial aspect of fish health, as some fish need more space than others to survive. Additionally, two fish in the same tank might require more space to survive than either of them in separate tanks. 

The general rule for getting an aquarium is to get the largest one youcan afford while also making sure that every fish in the tank meets their minimum size requirements. “Most of the time, a bigger tank makes for happier fish, whether it will be fresh water or salt water.” according to Michele Taylor, the owner of AquariumFish City.

Tank Mates

Another rule to remember when taking care of fish is that no two fish are alike. Different fish will have different needs, and taking care of multiple species of fish in the same tank can prove difficult. The only way to get past this is through research.

Look up the specific fishspecies you plan on keeping, and what they need to survive in an aquarium. This is perhaps theone area where you can not afford to cut corners.

You will need to learn what your fish need to eat, what environments they are most comfortable in, and whether or not you have the time and resources to care for them.

Clean the Tank Regularly

A seemingly obvious element of an aquarium that most people seem to miss anyways is water. Clean, filtered water is critical for giving your fish a happy and healthy life. For this, you’ll need a filter. When it comes to filters, the most expensive is not always the best. Look atreviews and make sure that the filter you’re getting is the right one for your tank and your home.

You don’t want to spend a lot of money on a filter that doesn’t work for the tank you own, or that keeps you up all night making noise. Once again, research options that are the best for your particular circumstances. There is no one size fits all solution, and which filter you use depends heavily on how you live.


However, a filter won’t keep the water perfectly clear forever. Eventually, you’ll need to clean the tank. In general, you should clean the tank partially every week, and clean it fully everymonth. When cleaning the tank weekly, you should remove unwanted debris from the gravelusing a gravel vacuum, as well as replacing about 20% of the water with fresh water.

During the monthly clean, you should use an algae scrubber on the inside of the glass, clean the ornaments in the tank to get rid of rot or moss, and clean the filter out, replacing old filter pads with new ones if necessary, as well as all of the steps mentioned in the weekly clean procedure. Cleaning is important for the health of the fish as well as the aesthetic appeal of the tank, and is a critical part of any fish owner’s routine.


Ultimately, taking care of a fish comes down to effort. If you don’t put in the effort towards making sure that your fish are living a happy and healthy life, they will live an unhealthy and unhappy one. Although they may seem like inanimate decorations, they are living creatures, dependent upon you for their survival. If you put in the effort and resources, however, owning a fish can be a fun and rewarding addition to your daily routine.

CBD Oil For Pets and Responsible Animal Care

We humans have evolved into creatures that crave companionship. During ancient times, it is a means for survival. After all, there is always strength in large numbers. In this modern era, there might be more people around us. The dangers are not always wild animals and nature itself.

Sometimes, it is the others around us that become the threat or liability. This is why according to this article the younger generation these days would prefer having a pet over making relationships or starting a family. They see it so much easier without all the hang-ups and complications of human interaction.

However, it is still important to take care of them. Even though some, like cats, can be self-sufficient, they still need some sort of attention. Feeding them regularly is quite necessary, as well as exercise and rest. It is like taking care of a child, but with more freedom for you.

Being a parent or owner to an animal does not diminish its complexity and other concerns. However, we have to agree that it is far more challenging to raise a human baby compared to an animal one.

The Challenges Of Pet Care

Meanwhile, taking care of them encompasses everything they need. This is especially true for healthcare. Even though they can look after themselves, they still do not have the means to think as we can. This leads to a lot of accidents and mishaps, which is very common with more active animals.

We do not want to see them in pain, but we cannot protect them in every way possible. Diseases also happen all the time, and being vigilant should be a part of our responsibilities as a pet owner.

There have been many trends in pet care over the past decade. From grooming, medications, and training, it seems that we have explored so much of it. However, there is still room for newer ideas that can potentially help our beloved animals.

One of which is giving CBD or cannabidiol oil to them. Now, this might be surprising to you since this is one of the most well-known products derived from cannabis and hemp plants. Originally concocted for human consumption, several pet experts have said that this can also be beneficial to them as more helpful hints start to emerge. The best part is you can check them out for free online.

Health Benefits Of CBD

One of the main benefits that pet owners who have used this have cited is that it is good in influencing their behavior. As we all know, our pets do have their own minds and they can get unruly. Training them is important as long as they are able to follow our commands.

If they have behavior issues, CBD oil can help by calming them down. This may be great for animals that have been abused or had traumatic experiences. The substance travels through their nervous system and the effects are seen immediately.

Its pain relief function has also been praised by many pet owners, although this can still be attributed to its ability to calm the animal down. Whenever they are hurting, you can give them a treat or a few drops of CBD. This way, they will not have any difficulty in adjusting to the pain even if it is just for a while.

This particular effect is also great for animals post-operation. Even if the vet has already stitched up your beloved critter, it can still be uncomfortable for them. Here are other ways that this might help:

The Limits Of CBD

Now, there is still a lot of research that needs to be done regarding its effects on animals. For one, we may not be sure about its benefits because we do not have any means of measuring them through animal responses.

Research on this particular topic is also minimal, and many vets say that you should be cautious while using it. Also, not all animals can use this product. Dogs and cats have been the most responsive to this medication, but for others, it can be fatal.

Another thing that you need to keep in mind is the product itself. Only use CBD oil that is specifically labeled for animals. Avoid using your stash or those products that are made for human consumption. There is a big difference in quality as well as chemical composition.

One specific compound, known as THC, has been noted to be dangerous to animals. They can lead to serious behavioral issues, or even worse, the death of your pet. Always take caution as much as possible.

Once you will notice that your pet is already having health issues, go to the vet right away. CBD oil might help, but it is not a miracle cure for everything. There are many diseases that would not be remedied by this oil.

Going to the vet would be the safest and more effective action since they will be the ones who will know what to do best. It might be more expensive than just buying a product off the shelves. However, it would not pose a danger to your pet’s life.

Thinking of Adopting a Second Cat – How to Ensure both Cats Get Along

When you adopted your first cat, there’s no doubt you were excited to be bringing home a fur baby all of your own that could share your space with you, and bring you that joy that only pets bring. And as great as owning a cat is, you may not have anticipated just how much of a cat person you truly are. If the time has come where you’re now thinking of adopting a second cat to bring home and join your family, you may be feeling a little hesitant about how your current cat will react. Let’s face it, cats aren’t always gracious hosts when it comes to new additions in the home.

Here we’ll take a look at some tips you can use that will help ensure both cats get along and that it’s a smooth transition.

Start with Separation

It’s obviously tempting to come home with your newly-adopted cat and let it loose in the house to explore, but experts suggest that separation is actually key to a smooth transition when other cats are involved. It’s best to place the newcomer in their own room where you can close the door. You’ll find the existing cat will probably be quite curious smelling around the perimeter of the door, which should be encouraged.

It’s best to keep the cats separated for about two to three days. Be sure to give the new one toys and a cosy place to curl up in the meantime.

Share Scents between Cats

While they are separated, you can start to share the scent between the two. The best way to do this is to use a towel and rub one cat with it, take that same towel and rub the other cat. Give them a chance to smell each other’s scent on the towel. This should be repeated a number of times during that separation period.

Let Them See Other

The next step is to allow them to visually see each other, but not in a free-for-all kind of way. Ideally, it’s best if they are separated by a screen or even a tall baby gate that they can sniff through, but not jump over.

It’s Time for a Real Introduction

Now you’ve gotten to the point where they can have a real introduction without barriers. This should take at least a week to two weeks to achieve. Keep in mind that there will need to be supervision for the first few moments, just to ensure all goes smoothly.

Don’t Forget the Pet Insurance

As a final tip, it’s also wise to look into pet insurance once you adopt a new cat, as this can help you cover any expensive vet bills if your cats get territorial. It’s a good idea to compare pet insurance quotes before you sign up though. If you don’t want to spend too much, you can compare pet insurance online in mere minutes to help you find a good deal.

A Smooth and Positive Introduction

By following these tips, you’ll be setting up a smooth and positive introduction.

How to Help A Dog with Stress

The well-known saying that a dog is man’s best friend. We want to see our beloved dogs happy and healthy. Although, dogs, like us humans, are susceptible to stress and the undesirable effects that come with it. Stress is something we want to eliminate, or at least alleviate, for our precious friends to have healthy and happy lives. This article will discuss various ways to help your dog with stress

Looking After Their Health: The Importance of Controlling Stress

A major contributing factor to specific health problems in dogs is due to stress. An example of this is colitis in dogs. Colitis is an inflammation of the colon. Stress is one of the causes of triggering acute colitis in dogs as it causes digestive upset.

Colitis may result in symptoms such as stomach problems like diarrhea, swollen and painful abdomen, weight loss, and your dog sporting a dull coat. One of the ways to prevent acute colitis is by avoiding stressful situations for your dog and ensuring that they have a healthy and balanced diet.

There are several other disorders that stress may induce in your dog, such as eating disorders, problems with immune systems, cardiovascular issues, and gastrointestinal distress. It is, therefore, imperative that if one’s dog suffers from stress, we understand what causes it so that we may help our dogs overcome it.

Play and Exercise with Your Dog Regularly

One of the most common causes of stress in dogs is a lack of company. Dogs are social creatures and require company. If they are left alone for long periods, many dogs become stressed and develop separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety leads to many other problems as your dog will find ways to cope with this. These undesirable coping mechanisms that your dog might employ include excessive barking, digging holes in the yard, destructive chewing of your possessions, excessive barking, or howling and trying to escape the yard.

As is the case with humans, exercise is a fantastic way to reduce stress. It engages your dog both mentally and physically as well as helps to forge that unbreakable bond between dog and owner. Remember, the biggest hero in your dog’s eyes is you! So please make time to take your furry friend on walks, play a game of fetch with them and teach them tricks such as to sit, roll over and give paw, don’t forget to provide them with a treat for their excellent work!

The most important thing you can do for your dog is to give them plenty of attention and unconditional love. A dog that feels wanted and loved will be happier, feeling at ease, and minimizing stress.

Create a Safe Zone

Certain things like fireworks and thunderstorms scare and stress our dogs much and make them anxious. It’s a good idea to provide your dog with a safe place in your home when these situations arise. Try to comfort your dog as much as possible, let them know you are there for them, give them warm bedding and shelter, encourage them, and reassuring pats.

Another great way to allow your dog to feel comforted is to wrap a bandage or material around their abdomen so as to provide the sensation of constantly being “held”.

Calming Tablets and Liquids

Most dogs are extremely susceptible to stress when they must travel by motor car or plane or have a change in their surroundings, such as moving to a new house. A great way to calm your dog, prepare them for their trip, and ease their stress is by using calming tablets and liquids. Pills can easily be concealed or crushed into their food, and fluids can be pumped directly into your dog’s mouth.

Use calming tablets and liquids can also be used to help your dog during thunderstorms and fireworks. Please consult with your veterinarian for their recommended choice of products and dosage for your dog’s breed and age.

Provide Toys and Activities

Many times, we must leave our dogs alone at home. This stresses a significant number of dogs and results in the symptoms induced by separation anxiety. Provide a way to keep your dog entertained, both mentally and physically, when you are not home. Pet stores and Vets have a large selection of a high number of dog toys to keep them busy.

You can also give them edible chews and raw, uncooked bones that keep them busy, but provide natural health benefits like cleaning their teeth and keeping their jaws strong. Just remember to check with a professional as to the recommended and safe edible chew for your dog when you are not there to supervise them.

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